Business Spotlight: KPFF Consulting Engineers, Lacey

Lauren Wittkopf

Responses provided by: Lauren Wittkopf, EIT, Design Engineer

  1. Company overview

    KPFF is a 1400+ strong civil and structural engineering firm with other engineering and development disciplines in offices across the US. The Lacey office of KPFF focuses on civil engineering and survey markets primarily between Seattle and Portland, as well as state government facilities across WA state.  We work with private development companies, state and local governments, and tribal clients on site development, utility infrastructure, public works, fish passage and redevelopment, or maintenance of aging facilities.  Our surveyors work on topographical, boundary, and ALTA surveys, with capabilities to use drones for aerial surveys and LiDAR imagery.

    2. What’s your favorite past time?

      I love to cook! Simple recipes with technique and preparation needed are my favorite. When each ingredient would taste meh on their own, I get such a kick out of combining them just right into something amazing. As much as I love preparing delicious meat, cooking a protein-rich vegetarian meal that tastes just as good is one of the most satisfying things. A tip I love to share with those chef-ing on a budget is to make the trek up to IKEA to get one (or several) of their VORDA line chef knives. $13 easy dollars later and you probably won’t want to use any of your other knives. I’ve had my older one for 5 years now and the bang for the buck on that edge still impresses me, along with anyone I’ve lived or cooked with over those years. Hidden gem among the meatballs and plywood. 

      3. What is your favorite part about your job?

      I enjoy fine-tuning the questions I ask of experts, including the senior engineers in our office as well as clients and jurisdiction authorities, to solve the problem I am facing. Asking the right question of the right person can bring the fuzzy into focus quickly and it is satisfying whenever I hit that nail on the head.

      4. What does KPFF Lacey offer?

      KPFF offers planning, design, permitting, and construction support to most forms of land development, improvement to existing development, infrastructure, roadways, fish passage, and other public work types of projects.  We can lead a team of designers and specialty consultants and oversee the entirety of a project, or act as a subconsultant to a prime consultant and support civil, or surveying disciplinary project needs.

      5. Who is your customer?

      KPFF customers are anyone needing civil engineering or surveying support related to some level of site improvement to a piece of property, or public right-of-way.  They are private property owners, owners of public lands, indigenous tribes, architects, landscape architects, contractors, or other engineers.

      6. What value does KPFF Lacey provide to the community?

      KPFF Lacey’s vision is to provide experiences that create a lasting positive impact on our People, Clients, and Community. Through this vision, we offer a volunteer program where each of us are provided 2 days of volunteering a year.  We are also encouraged to join committees, professional organizations, and boards in the community. I have had first-hand experience with this support as I have volunteered on the TYP committee, lead a team of KPFF female engineers working with IGNITE Worldwide to host a STEM education event for girls at Oakland Bay Junior High in Shelton, and joined a large group of KPFF’ers to clean up invasives on Live United day.

      7. What is something unique about KPFF Lacey that you want to share?

      Our firm operates in a reporting center model that allows our local Lacey team to be fully empowered decision makers on projects and operations, while enjoying the support of the nationwide KPFF Inc.   

      8. What is the future of KPFF Lacey?

      Our future is our people.  Providing a positive impact for our employees and empowering them to pursue their passions results in internal growth and leadership.  No project is too small, no opportunity is insignificant.  These opportunities, with experienced guidance by older staff to integrate our younger staff with the clients in our community, will direct the future of our work, leadership, and culture of the office.

      9. How can the community support KPFF Lacey?
      KPFF is in business to support our community, so our community needs to be prosperous and desirable to live and build a business so there are opportunities for development and redevelopment of properties and infrastructure.  We are always listening for community events, or needs to provide volunteer opportunities, provide support to professional / community organizations, and participate on organization boards that share our personal philosophy and vision.

      10. How can the business/nonprofit community leverage KPFF Lacey?Communicate with us on your needs and let’s discuss alignment of vision and goals. 

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