Workforce Solutions
Workforce Solutions
Workforce Solutions. 5 Counties.
The Thurston Chamber’s Workforce Solutions team serves any business within the five-county region (Thurston, Mason, Pacific, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties ) that needs help hiring quality employees, improving their hiring practices, retaining quality employees and developing training programs. In some cases, we’ll assist businesses who need assistance laying off employees.
We always begin with what we call a ‘Business Needs Assessment’. When we meet, we’ll assess what the business needs are and we’ll develop customized solutions to meet those needs.
We Help Businesses with recruitment, retention or contraction!
- We create customized recruitment events and related services for employers including targeted job fairs. These can be in-person or virtual.
- We help employers access local, State, and Federal tax credits.
- We’ll compile labor market information for specific employers, sectors, industries or clusters.
- We offer..
- Human Resources consultation services, e.g., writing and reviewing job descriptions and employee handbooks.
- Developing performance evaluation and personnel policies.
- Creating orientation sessions for new workers.
- Honing job interview techniques for efficiency and compliance; Analyzing employee turnover.
- Explaining labor laws to help employers comply with wage/hour and safety/health regulations.
- We convene industry or sector partnerships that bring together multiple employers within an industry to collaborate with colleges, schools, labor, workforce agencies, community organizations, and other community stakeholders to align training with the skills needed for that industry to grow and compete.
- We develop and deliver innovative workforce investment services and strategies for area employers, e.g., career pathways, skills upgrading, skill standard development and certification for recognized postsecondary credential or other employer use, apprenticeship, and other effective initiatives for meeting the workforce investment needs of area employers and workers.
- We develop customized training programs for industry sectors.
- We offer workforce reduction or aversion support including assistance in managing reductions in force in coordination with rapid response technical support activities and with strategies for the aversion of layoffs, and the delivery of employment and training activities to address risk factors
- We also help assess economic injury and provide referrals to access available local, state and federal resources as needed.
Programs and Solutions

Business2Youth Connect features business connected learning programs like Math4Life and Find Your Future. These programs are a great way to expose high school students to a variety of careers and real-world skills. Each program features different levels of intensity and preparation, and continues through early adulthood.

Through PacMtn’s Future of Work Employee Development Program, employers can apply for up to $15,000 per year to upskill their workforce. This program enables companies to maintain competitive business edge in a rapidly evolving environment.

As a military Career Skills Program (CSP), WorkEx is a customized internship program that serves the transitioning military community. WorkEx provides vetting of employers to ensure quality work experience and maximize potential employment; 2) Flexible internship times (1-6 months in length); 3) employment and career coaching and workshops; and 4) support services including work clothes and transportation cost reimbursement.

WorkSource is a partnership of state, local and nonprofit agencies providing an array of employment and training services to job seekers and employers in the state.

Talent Magnet is the podcast where we help businesses become magnets attracting talent – by focusing on recruitment, training, and retention best practices.